Carbon Reduction Planning and Measures

We began to persistently inventory GHG emissions in 2019, produce the “GHG Inventory Report” every year, and obtained the GHG verification statement. In accordance with ISO 14064-1, we inventoried and reported GHG emissions based on the verification standards of the protocol. The verification data was reasonably measured and calculated, and the verification results found no nonconformities with the substantial limits, and the verification data met the reasonable level of assurance.

Statistics on GHG emissions in the last three years

No Data Found

In response to the SBTi 1.5°C scenario, we draw up countermeasures (base year 2021) to achieve linear reduction of GHG emissions by 4.2% each year and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Employee Consensus on Energy Conservation Energy management Item Monitoring Methods Action plans 2023 Targets
  1. Turn off lights after use.
  2. Save water
  3. Take the stairs more often.
  4. Use paper on both sides.
  5. Report anomalies immediately.
ESCO building digitization Management of electricity consumption Lighting facility monitoring
Space temperature and CO2 monitoring
Equipment automation control
Build the thermal-sensing lighting system
Keep the aircon and chiller filter clean.
Purchase Green Mark products
ESCO building digitization Water consumption management Water meter reading monitoring Use two-stage flush
Use pressured water-efficient taps
Company car fuel management Mileage management Carpooling for business trips
Optimal route planning
Smart use of videoconferencing
Paper consumption management OA equipment login control Use e-document with the ERP system
Registration for claiming paper
Wastewater management Discharge of domestic sewage only N/A
Waste management Recycling-Green Procurement
Zero Waste-Lease
POS management system
Professional recovery and disposal of waste cartons
Professional destruction (incineration) of expired documents
Accurate of the number of employee meals to reduce kitchen leftover
Discounts for using own cups
GHG emissions -4.2%
Carbon reduction management
  1. Internal carbon pricing for 2022: US$250/t. Review annual performance based on the annual linear reduction by 4.2% of SBTi. Calculate the carbon cost for the amount not meeting the reduction target for the reference of carbon risk management and assessment.
  2. Use of carbon fee income: R&D of low-emission items and education and training for carbon management.
  3. Signed the ESG Index-Linked Loan with E.SUN Bank to link index performance with the loan interest rate.
  4. Established the “Regulations for Management of Sustainability Innovation Proposals" to encourage employees to brainstorm innovation for sustainable development and reward their efforts.
WP DataTables
Net-Zero 2050 roadmap

Short-, medium-, and long-term mitigation and adaptation plans

In 2022, we began to set the annual GHG reduction at 4.2% based on the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as the pathway to achieve net-zero emissions in the future. Carbon reduction targets (based year 2021):

Target 1: Reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 95% (base year 2021) by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Target 2: Reduced emissions from “Upstream Transportation and Distribution” of Scope 3 by 63% over 2021 until 2035.

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