Identifying stakeholder groups

Identifying stakeholder groups

At TOPCO, we value communication with stakeholders. Besides maintaining sound communication and interaction with stakeholders, we also identify, prioritize, validate, and review the management processes of material topics based on the principles of sustainability context, materiality, integrity, and inclusiveness as stated in the GRI Standards. The ESG Promotion Committee is convened cross-department meetings, with senior Group officers participating in the identification process. After multiple discussions, senior officers and unit supervisors identified the potential principal stakeholders for communication. The methods and processes of identification are as follows:

Personnel of each department discussed the stakeholders involved in business activities, interaction, and exchange to determine the types and targets of stakeholders. Then, they assessed stakeholder groups in terms of the attributes of stakeholders as specified in AA-1000SES: dependency, responsibility, influence, diverse perspectives, and tension. After the discussion between the ESG Implementation Team and senior officers, the following five stakeholder groups were identified: shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, and external parties (the general public, the government, local communities, the media, NGOs, and academic units). To address the issues that concern stakeholders, we have established various communication mechanisms to reliably address stakeholders with the information they expect.

Results of stakeholder identification