Diversity and inclusion policies

Through strategies and policies, we have created a workplace culture featuring diversity, equity, and inclusion. A diverse and inclusive workplace environment means that every employee can have the same space to exert themselves. Enable employees to integrate freely into the workplace.

We are committed to creating an inclusive working environment with mutual support for all employees, regardless of age, gender, family status, disabilities, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or political affiliation. Creating a working environment for employees to work without worries and demonstrate their talent is one of our corporate missions.

To create a friendly and happy working environment exclusive to TOPCO, we hope to create a working environment for employees to feel safe and confident to work and grow happily with the company in terms of the following five aspects: well-established recruitment system, diversity for capability and talent development, transparent and impartial evaluation, superior salary and employee benefits, and workplace safety and labor-management harmony.

We emphasize gender equality and engage in neither discrimination nor differential treatment based on gender to ensure workplace gender equality. In 2023, the members of the advanced management are all ROC citizens. In terms of the total number of employees, general employees accounted for 79%, management officers 14%, and operations officers 7%, and female executives accounted for 15% of all female employees.

Since 2019, the company has disclosed the previous year’s average and median salaries of non-managerial employees, aiming to increase transparency and uphold corporate social responsibility. In 2023, despite industrywide performance challenges, salary levels at TOPCO saw minor fluctuations. According to the Financial Supervisory Commission, the average annual salary for non-managerial employees was NT$1.711 million, ranking 1st among 20 listed electronic retail companies in Taiwan and 39th overall among Taiwan’s listed companies. The median annual salary was NT$1.289 million, ranking 2nd in the industry and 77th among all listed companies in Taiwan. The gender pay ratio analysis shows a ratio of 1.17:1. TOPCO maintains a robust compensation management system, emphasizing fairness and maintaining vertical salary relationships.

Year Non-supervisor employees Minimum Basic monthly salary
2023 Colleges and universities Master’s degree $26,400
36500 44500
Compared to monthly basic salary 138% 169%
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Table of salary adjustments in the past three years
Year 2021 2022 2023
Overall salary adjustment 0%~7.5% 0.8%~24.9% 0~18.5%
Salary increments for non-managerial employees 0%~7.5% 1.9%~24.9% 0~18.5%
Salary adjustment for managers and employees 0%~4.5% 0.8%~8.5% 0~9.0%
Note: As the promotion range increased this year, the salary adjustment increased.
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