ESG execution framework and management platform

The composition of the Company’s sustainable development promotion team is headed by the Chief Sustainability Officer. The convener is responsible for summarizing the opinions expressed by stakeholders and management performance according to the promotion plan, reviewing the operation performance and proposing improvement guidelines, and expanding the responsibility of each unit or department. They are divided into four groups: friendly to the environment, good for society, corporate governance, and sustainable innovation.. The senior officers of the Group serve as the convener to promote the implementation of each strategic group, specifically integrating corporate sustainable development into daily operations. The committee holds at least one meeting quarterly or extraordinary meetings as necessary. The Sustainability Officer’s Office compiles a written report, regularly reports the progress to the Board, and discloses it on the Company’s website.
The committee has been established to assist the Board in constantly promoting ESG and improving corporate governance in order to achieve sustainable operations. Its duties include:

  1. Set the direction and goals of ESG and sustainable development and draw up the relevant management approaches and specific implementation plans.
  2. Communicate and implement tasks relating to ethical corporate management and risk management.
  3. Follow up, review, and revise the status and effectiveness of ESG implementation.
  4. Other matters assigned by the Board.