Stakeholder engagement


Employees are the foundation of the Company’s sustainable development. We offer market-competitive salaries and benets and a diversied learning environment for elite employees to exert their talent and so to enhance the Company’s operational performance and eciency.

Response/Engagement result

  • labor-management meetings
  • 6 on-site physicians’ consultations
  • 4 Welfare Committee meetings, Family Day, health checkups, and chartered sports centers to improve employee health.
  • Complaints from various channels: 0
  • OHS Committee meetings: 4


Suppliers play a crucial role of the Company’s production activities. Through collaboration with mutual trust and the supplier management system, we build a sustainable value chain with suppliers together.

Response/Engagement result

  • Reiteration of the “sustainable supply chain development strategy”
  • No material cybersecurity incidents in 2023
  • Introduce the “Joint Declaration on Corporate Social Responsibility”, with a reply rate of 100% in 2023
  • Onsite audit and communication in 2023: 6 suppliers
  • Inclusion of the Human Rights Assessment in 2023: 100% return rate
  • Tracking net-zero planning of three major suppliers


Investors are the Company’s capital source. Hence, we disclose transparent operational information to demonstrate our operational performance to improve their support, secure capital supply, and create investment value.

Response/Engagement result

  • Board meetings: 4
  • Revenue reports: 16
  • 1st shareholder meeting (May 30)
  • Release 15 breaking news items
  • Investor conferences: 4
  • ESG promotion reports to the Board: 4 times


Customers are our best operational and strategic partners. Through collaboration with them, we create brand-new thinking and technology, capture the application trend in the industry, and increase product value.

Response/Engagement result

  • Implementation of the cloud CRM system
  • Sanctions or fines for violation of laws or regulations: 0
  • Customer satisfaction score: 9.18
  • No complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data were reported in 2023
  • The KPI achievement rate of days to handle customer complaints was 77.8%

External personnel

Government departments, the media, local communities, and NGOs are the important sources of various sustainability opinions. Through continuous communication and collaboration, we improve positive social inuence through collaboration with customers

Response/Engagement result

  • Release of ESG report
  • Release of the TCFD report
  • Corporate press room publications: 44 releases
  • Participated in the following exhibitions: SEMICON Taiwan, SDGs Asia, Mission Greener
  • Sanctions or fines for violation of laws or regulations: 0
  • 1,071 papers from 77 universities signed up for the TSC Thesis Award
Results of stakeholder identification and significance to TOPCO

Fulfilling the expectations of stakeholders is an important goal of our ESG policy. We communicate and interact with stakeholders in different ways.

We value communication with stakeholders, and we maintain good communication and interaction with stakeholders in all aspects of daily operations. In accordance with the GRI-2021 revision revamp, and stakeholder inclusiveness, as well as the management process for identifying, prioritizing, confirming, and reviewing material issues. The ESG Promotion Committee convenes an inter-departmental meeting in which senior officers of the group participate in the identification process. After multiple meetings and discussions, senior officers and heads of various units will identify possible key stakeholders to be communicated with. For issues related to corporate operations, we conducted the “2023 Corporate Sustainability Development Questionnaire” through the ESG questionnaire in the ESG section of the Company’s official website to understand the material issues that stakeholders are concerned about. The identification method and process are explained below:

Methods and processes of identification

Using a significance criterion set by the ESG Task Force (with 5 being the highest concern and 1 the lowest, and a concern threshold above 4.36), 12 material issues were selected. These issues were categorized into economic, environmental, and social (including human rights) dimensions.

  • For details, please refer to the 2023 Sustainability Report

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