Safe Workplace and Labor-Management Harmony

Safe Workplace Implementation Policy

We introduced ISO45001:2018 Occupational Safety and Health Management System in 2022. All employees participate in and follow occupational safety and health policies and regulations, continue to promote the operation of the management system, and implement various occupational safety and health management tasks according to various systems and operating procedures. In 2023, we obtained the “Health Promotion Mark” certification from the National Development Agency.

Safe Workplace Implementation Policy

Statistics and Analysis of Occupational Injury

In accordance with the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the statistical results of occupational accidents are announced on a monthly basis. In addition, to improve employees’ safety and health awareness, the Company has voluntarily launched the zero-disaster campaign and participated in the zerodisaster work-hours record website registration activity. The cumulative number of occupational hazards were recorded since February 2023. By the end of December of the same year, the Company had experienced a total of 906,976 disaster-free working hours, moving towards the goal of one million disaster-free working hours.

Employee Benefits

The health, safety, and the rights and interests of all employees are extremely important to us. Besides arranging insurance for employees according to the Labor Standards Act and Labor Insurance Act and contributing employee pensions according to the Labor Standards Act and Labor Pension Act, we also arrange health checkups, group accident insurance, and hospitalization benefit for employees and announce the related personnel regulations on the EIP for all employees to inquire. In addition, in 2023, the Company held a health lecture “prevention of cardiovascular disease” and health consultation measures by traditional Chinese and western physicians to care for employees.

Employee benefit plans

Employee satisfaction

Since 2023, we have been commissioned to outsource the employee opinion survey to an external organization. Through the norm database accumulated by consultants, one can make comparisons with companies in similar industries, as well as Competitiveness of the Company in the industry. A 2023 employee opinion survey showed an average score of 4.74 (out of 6). The satisfaction of employees in terms of “job” and “corporate culture” is higher than that of the same industry category, which also highlights the high degree of identification of employees with the organization.